Revista del Departamento Académico de Biología












Ética Editorial

Editorial Ethics



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Editorial Ethics (Publications Ethic)

The journal Ecología Aplicada is committed to the responsible communication and dissemination of research in the field of Applied Ecology. To this end, we adopt the highest ethical standards and comply with all relevant legislation.

The Editors and the Editorial Board take responsibility for publications, guaranteeing a fair, impartial process independent of any commercial considerations and ensuring a neutral and appropriate review process.

We adopt editorial policies that promote maximum transparency of information and ensure the integrity of publications, correcting misconduct by reviewers and editors.

We critically evaluate the ethical conduct of human and animal studies, considering the existing regulatory policies such as the Declaration of Helsinki and the guidelines of the Code of Conduct and Good Practices defined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Reviewers are informed of what is expected of them and the editors have editorial policies to deal with conflicts of editorial interest.

The journal Applied Ecology adheres to the Position Statement developed at the 2nd World Conference on Research Integrity, Singapore, 22-24 July 2010, Kleinert S & Wager E (2011). Responsible research publishing: international standards for publishers. A position statement developed at the 2nd World Conference on Research Integrity, Singapore, July 22-24, 2010. Chapter 51 in: Mayer T & Steneck N (eds) Promoting Research Integrity in a Global Environment. Imperial College Press / World Scientific Publishing, Singapore (pp 317-28) (ISBN 978-981-4340-97-7).

Applied Ecology stewards and manages the record of research in the field of ecology and its various applications to promote ecosystem resilience and sustainability. In this role, we editors assume the responsibility to promote ethics in scientific publications and ensure the quality and integrity of the work we publish by adhering to universal standards and practices.

Editorial principles

Responsibility for the content of the journal

a.        Independence in editorial integrity, decision making is based on scientific and academic criteria, without the influence of commercial interests. 

b.        Promotion of responsible conduct in research through its policies and processes.

c.        Application of internationally recognized universal standards and best practices for editorial practices.

d.         Focus on the science of Ecology and its applications, the Editors and the Editorial Board form a broad community that keeps abreast of Ecology science, editorial policies and processes.

Journal metrics and decision making

The Editors do not unduly influence the ranking of their journal by artificially increasing any journal metrics. Articles are reviewed for purely academic reasons and authors are not pressured to cite specific publications for non-academic reasons.

Editorial confidentiality

Authors' Material

The Editors, the Editorial Board, and reviewers protect the confidentiality of authors' material.  No sharing of submitted papers with editors of other journals. There is no obligation to share information with lawyers in court cases. Internet submission systems are efficient and prevent unauthorized access.


Anonymous peer review is a fundamental pillar of the journal Ecología Aplicada to ensure the quality and impartiality of published papers. This process guarantees the evaluation of manuscripts by recognized experts in the field of the submitted manuscripts, without bias or external influence. Applied Ecology protects the identity of authors and reviewers to promote honesty and objectivity in the review process. The editors are responsible for the selection of expert reviewers in the subject of the manuscript, ensuring the quality and relevance of the evaluations. Applied Ecology acknowledges the valuable contribution of the reviewers in the editorial process and appreciates their time and dedication. Their participation is essential and allows guaranteeing the scientific excellence of the journal.

General editorial policies

Authorship and responsibility

The journal Applied Ecology provides information for authors and the general public on its Web site



Correspondencia / Correspondence


Editor Ecología Aplicada

Revista del Departamento Académico de Biología

Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina

Av. La Molina s/n, Lima 12 – Perú.


Apartado Postal 12-056. Lima 12 - Perú.

Correo electrónico / e-mail

Teléfono / Telefone

614-7800;  anexo / annex: 294.


Horario / schedule

lunes a viernes de / monday to friday from: 08:00 a 15:30 h.

Donaciones / Doações / Donations










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