Revista del Departamento Académico de Biología












Ética Editorial

Editorial Ethics



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Pautas para la elaboración de los manuscritos

Instructions to Authors

Informação para os autores

Ficha de datos para los autores

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Data sheet for authors

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Editorial process (Processus)

Receipt of manuscripts

Manuscripts may be submitted throughout the year, in digital format (in person or by post on a CD, or by email), and/or in printed format (in person or by post).

Documents accompanying the manuscript: Letter to the Editor, data sheet of the authors, manuscript in printed form and CD of the digital version. Those who are far away these documents via email (see the Instructions to Authors).

 All authors must be in the ORCID register, according to the new requirements of the latest SciELO Peru criteria (,, and so that the journal can continue to be indexed on this platform, and this registration number must appear in the journal's publications about that author. The latest version consulted in this regard by the journal is kept in our archives as a reference for future changes made by SciELO Peru in this regard.

 The journal does not charge for submitting manuscripts to the editorial process (APC: article processing charge).

Style review

It is verified that the manuscript has been prepared according to the journal's guidelines (see Instructions to Authors). The references and citations in the text, although they are provided by the authors and it is their entire responsibility, will be carefully reviewed at this stage to ensure, as far as possible, the suitability of the writing, existence and relevance of the themselves.

Arbitration: Anonymous Peer Review

Manuscripts are evaluated by peer review, under anonymous conditions, by two experts in the research topic. In principle, if both reject it, the manuscript is rejected, but if one rejects it and the other does not, it is submitted to a referee. If the referee accepts it, it is published, and if it is rejected, it is not. However, its final acceptance will depend on the Editor(s), always taking into account the arguments of the parties, as the Principle of Argumentation prevails. It will be published on the website in the next issue if acceptance is given at least one month before the date of publication.

In the context of the premise set out in our Presentation, authors who do not raise the reviewers' comments are expected to provide a reasoned response as to why.

The editors rely in principle on the good selection of the referees and on their good clinical eye to detect plagiarism or negligent errors. If the referees confirm a malicious act committed by the authors, the editors will contact them and evaluate whether it is a matter of being corrected or the manuscript is rejected.

The suitability of the selection of the referees is permanently evaluated by the editors through the use of indicators that go beyond their specialties. For example, an arbitrator who contradicts himself in serious facts between evaluations and revisions of the same manuscript, or an arbitrator who does not detect or correct the order in which a manuscript should be structured in its contents, will not be considered again for an upcoming participation.

Retractions (retractatione), corrections and errata (erratum)

In case of detection of errors in the publication, whether indicated by whoever they are, and notified to the editors, depending on the nature of these in whether or not it requires the participation of an expert on the subject, the pertinent evaluations will be made and , if this error is confirmed in this first instance, the author or authors will be notified to urge them to present the corresponding correction for publication (erratum) if the error (s) affect the interpretation of the data and only leads to fraud. But if the error that affects the interpretation of the data leads to thinking of a culpable act, such as the fraudulent handling of the information contained, then a retraction will be published (retractatione) about the same.

The erratum of an article will be published in the following immediate number, once it has been accepted, and the article, the subject of the erratum, will be referenced through the permanent internet link of the article (Example: DOI). Referencing will also be made in the reverse direction (addenda): at the bottom of the article presentation web (web of your Summary / Abstract) subject of the erratum, the permanent link of the published erratum will be placed, indicating that said link is about your erratum.

The journal will inform the indexing platforms of the addenda, erratum or retractatione, in the articles, at the time of sending the publication of said erratum or retractatione, so that they can be updated.

Process time

The timescales of the editing process, from receipt of the manuscript to publication, are variable. They depend on the waiting list, the size and complexity of the manuscript, the nature of the topic to find reviewers, the availability of reviewers' time, the response time for corrections from the authors themselves, etc. This is why, based on the experience gained in this regard, these times can vary widely and can be as fast as 55 days (1.8 months) to 485 days (16 months = 1 year + 3 to 4 months). In exceptional cases it can be more. So, for the reasons given above, authors are requested that if their submission is for anything other than a desire to communicate their research to the global scientific community, they should do so in advance of the times indicated. The Editors cannot shorten these times to the detriment of the quality of the scientific communication.

Assurance of supporting information throughout the editing process

Throughout the editorial process, the information is managed by maintaining automatic and continuous or periodic backups from the computers of the editors or assistants to the remote external hosting services of an encrypted cloud. These sites are shared by all Editors and Editing Assistants, so that the continuity of the process is guaranteed in the event of failure in any human or technical link.

In addition to the above, each link in the editorial process generates an automatic and continuous or periodic backup to a local external storage medium, so as to ensure the continuity of permanent backups in case of failure, both the Editors' computers and Editing assistants, such as distant external hosting (cloud).



Correspondencia / Correspondence


Editor Ecología Aplicada

Revista del Departamento Académico de Biología

Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina

Av. La Molina s/n, Lima 12 – Perú.


Apartado Postal 12-056. Lima 12 - Perú.

Correo electrónico / e-mail

Teléfono / Telefone

614-7800;  anexo / annex: 294.


Horario / schedule

lunes a viernes de / monday to friday from: 08:00 a 15:30 h.

Donaciones / Doações / Donations










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