The leading Finnish institution in the project is MTT Agrifood Research Finland which has its headquarters located in Jokioinen, Finland. MTT is an expert organization with about 800 staff members and annual budget of about 50 million euros. MTT operates under the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and produces and disseminates scientific research information as well as develops and promotes the transfer of new technology for the agriculture and food sector.

This project will benefit a wide range of Peruvian stakeholders, not only those directly involved in education and research at UNALM but also many other institutional and communal bodies and business players participating in food production and marketing. The primary beneficiaries are the following:

These participating Peruvian institutions will gain the needed skills in terms of new analytical methodologies and experience in research of bioactive components, e.g, phenolic compounds, proteins and peptides, lipids, probiotics and prebiotics as well as novel technologies, e.g. fractionation and separation of biomolecules and fermentation techniques.     The major immediate beneficiary is UNALM which will have improved laboratory facilities and more trained staff for teaching and doing research on subjects related to bioactive components of native food crops and their health effects in the diet.

There are many food industry enterprises interested in taking part in this project as well as its results. These enterprises are currently processing and marketing products based on Andean cereals. This project could help them expand their range of products and improve quality.  Other food enterprises will also benefit, as the results of the research will be disseminated at an international seminar organized for the representatives of regional food industries at the end of the project.

The research of new uses and development of new products processed by Peruvian food industries will benefit vulnerable population groups and even neighboring countries such as Bolivia and Ecuador where consumption of these crops is already widespread.
The project will generate new knowledge on the nutritional value and health benefits of indigenous crops and therefore increase general consumers’ interest. Demand for Andean crops will increase and, therefore, the peasants who cultivate them will benefit by finding new markets for their products and receiving better price for their products, thus improving their income.
By making attractive to the peasants the production of these crops, the project will also contribute to the conservation of the Andean and Amazonian agrobiodiversity,

La institución que lidera el proyecto de Alimentos Nativos para la Salud  es el MTT (Agrifood Research Finland) quien tiene sus instalaciones principales localizadas en  Jokioinen, Finland. MTT es una organización experta con mas de 800 investigadores y con un presupuesto anual de cerca de 50 millones de euros. MTT opera bajo la  supervisión del Ministerio de agricultura y foresteria de Finlandia y tiene la finalidad de producir y diseminar la información científica y también e desarrollo y promoción de la transferencia de nuevas tecnologías para el sector de producción agrícola y de alimentos


Teléfono: Fax 349 57 64
Fuente de Información:Facultad de Industrias Alimentarias

OSI/RRPP todos los derechos reservados ® 2011